Robeson Community College

Transcript Request

Records & Registration Services provide official transcripts upon written authorization from the student. Official transcripts will be issued at a charge of $5.00 per transcript due at the time of the request when requested via mail, fax or in person.  Same day service will incur an additional $5 fee per transcript.

Transcripts may also be requested online via our service provider, the National Student Clearinghouse. Transcripts requested online can be mailed or sent electronically and will incur an additional convenience fee ($2.90) that is collected by the National Student Clearinghouse in addition to the Robeson Community College fee of $5.00 for each transcript.  If your academic records pre-date 1986, please use the in-person or fax option to request a transcript.

If you completed a GED through RCC, you can obtain a transcript from  Do not use Internet Explorer at the website.



Current & recent students can print an unofficial transcript from Self-Service.

  1. Log-In your Self-Service account
  2. Select “Unofficial Transcript” under “Academics”
  3. Select the specific transcript needed.
  4. Your transcript will appear.  Click the print icon for your browser.

Request Official Online

You can now request a PDF of your college (curriculum) and/or continuing education transcript to be sent electronically!  

  1. Click Here to access the National Student Clearinghouse website for a PDF of your transcript.
  2. Select “Robeson Community College” from the drop-down list.  

Please note that online transcript orders will not be processed until you have signed electronically or the signature sheet is returned to the National Student Clearinghouse as indicated in the ordering process.  

Adult high school transcripts are not available through the National Student Clearinghouse.  COLLEGE COURSEWORK TAKEN PRIOR TO 1986 IS NOT AVAILABLE VIA ELECTRONIC TRANSCRIPT REQUESTS.  FOR PRE-1986 TRANSCRIPTS, REQUEST IN PERSON OR BY FAX.

Request Official In Person or by Fax

Requests for official transcripts may be made in-person at the following location:

  • Records & Registration, Building 13 (Fred G. Williams, Jr. Student Center)
  • Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.  The cashier is available until 4:45 p.m.
  • Friday 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.  The cashier is available until 2:45 p.m. on Fridays.

You must bring photo identification to pick-up your transcript.

TRANSCRIPT REQUEST FORM for current and former students who need transcripts for employers or transfer colleges. 

Available transcripts include:

  • Curriculum (College)
  • Adult High School
  • Workforce/Continuing Education.