Robeson Community College

Wings of Dreams by Khristona Locklear

Soar and reach new heights, oh soul of mine
Through stormy seas and skies so divine
Unfurl your wings and let the wind carry you high
Into the clouds where dreams can touch the sky
Feel the rush of freedom in each breath you take
As you soar above the mountains and the great lake
Suspended in the air, weightless and free
Embracing the endless possibilities that you see
Let your spirit soar like a bird in flight
Breaking through barriers with all your might
Dancing with the stars and the moon’s gentle glow
Embracing the unknown, wherever you may go
Soar above the doubts and fears that hold you down
Embrace the courage that within you is found
With each new horizon that comes into view
Spread your wings wide and let your dreams come true
Soar, oh soul, and never look back
Embrace the journey, stay on track
For in the boundless sky above
There lies a place of dreams and love
So let your spirit soar, let it fly
Into the endless blue, towards the sky
Embrace the breeze, feel the thrill
Soar high, oh soul, and fulfill.
