Rock Your World Finale to feature free pizza, haircuts, and registration too
‘Rock Your World’ with Rock 103 and Robeson Community College on Thursday, July 11th from 11am – 2pm during the finale of the $1600 scholarship contest. The winner of the scholarship will be revealed through a reverse drawing at 12 noon. The last person standing wins the contest.
Rock 103 arrive on the main campus in Lumberton at 11am. There will be free pizza and soft drinks, while supplies last in the foyer of Building 15. Just look for the Rock 103 van. There will be plenty of parking available.
Individuals who attend can also receive assistance with the RCC application, filing the FAFSA, and registering for classes from 11am – 2pm. Qualified students attending Robeson Community College this fall will receive the $3000 NextNC Scholarship. Approximately 80% of Robeson County households will qualify for this scholarship opportunity.
As an added bonus, Robeson Community College’s barber students will be set up to offer free haircuts to the community from 11am – 2pm on the stage of the ADL Auditorium. Individuals under the age of 16 should be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Please come out, enjoy pizza, file the FAFSA, register for classes and get a FREE haircut only at Robeson Community College this Thursday, July 11 from 11am – 2pm.
(photo above shows the qualifiers from the 1st Rock Your World Finale held in December 2023)