RCC students win big during FAFSA Day
Attending FAFSA day paid off big for some students at Robeson Community College, with many winning prizes during the event held on Saturday, January 27.
The drawing was held at the conclusion of the event and was broadcast on Facebook Live.
And the winners are . . .
- Shaquita Jackson, laptop computer
- Koba Bryant, laptop computer
- Deborah Locklear, RCC Scholarship
- Jesus Serouis, $50 gift card
- Dasly Hernandez-Cayes, $50 gift card
- Kamya Davis, $25 gift card
- Nyurka Gomez, $25 gift card
- Amelia Chavis, $25 gift card
- Christian McArther, $25 gift card
Robeson Community College had the second highest attendance ranking across the state on FAFSA day, with 108 students checking-in during the event. Wake Tech in Raleigh came in first place with 135 students attending and NC State placed 3rd with 103. Central Piedmont in Charlotte came in 4th with 92 students.
And, RCC’s FAFSA day was featured in an article by EdNC, which can be found at this link: https://www.ednc.org/fafsa-day-provides-support-as-students-navigate-new-form/