RCC presents a Baseball Showcase for Juniors and Seniors
Robeson Community College will present a baseball showcase on February 8 at Lumberton High School.
“High school juniors and seniors, this is your chance to showcase your baseball skills in front of RCC’s coaching staff,” stated RCC’s Athletic Director Jake “Jiggy” Jones. “We hope to use this opportunity as a part of the recruitment process with players and possibly sign some recruits out of the showcase event.”
The showcase will begin at 12:00 p.m. Position players should report at 11:30 a.m. and pitchers are asked to arrive at 2:30 p.m. Players are asked to wear baseball pants, a t-shirt or hoodie with a number on the back, as well as a hat. Catchers should bring equipment.
“We currently have 13 commits,” Jones said. “We are looking to sign between 30-40 more players before August.”
Players should register online at https://forms.gle/McrKhqTU45XVVM6C9. There is a cost of $20, cash, that players will need to be pay at check-in.
“If you have any questions, please feel to send me an email,” Jones stated. “We look forward to the showcase and seeing the talent in Robeson County.”
To reach Jones, please send an email to jjones@robeson.edu or call 910-272-3451.