Robeson Community College
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ECU Pirate Promise Virtual Information Sessions Available

For university transfer students who have always dreamed of attending East Carolina University and becoming an ECU Pirate, Robeson Community College will be hosting several virtual information sessions in the near future on the Pirate Promise Initiative.

“East Carolina University will be hosting three virtual Pirate Promise info sessions over Zoom for all interested students,” stated Paula Jacques, the program director of English and University Transfer Partnerships. “The presentation portion will be about 15-20 minutes long with time for a Q&A session.”

Pirate Promise is a transfer program for students who are in their first year of coursework at RCC. Students enrolled in Pirate Promise receive several benefits including:

  • Guaranteed Admissions to ECU with completed Associate Degree
  • Waived ECU Application Fee
  • A Dedicated Transfer Coach
  • Joint Academic Advising
  • Joint Financial Aid Counseling
  • Access to ECU Libraries
  • Access to Virtual Job Shadow, an ECU Career Services’ virtual workshop series
  • Participate in select campus activities including “invitation only” Pirate Promise events at ECU
  • Eligibility to purchase an ECU 1 Card to gain access to athletic tickets, campus recreation opportunities, campus events, library resources, and the Community Writing Center

“By participating, students will have access to extensive resources geared to guiding the student through the transfer process at ECU,” stated Jacques.

The Pirate Promise application will open on October 15 and close on November 15.

 “Please consider joining one of these sessions if you are interested in joining the Pirate Nation,” Jacques said as she urges students to think about the next steps after RCC.

The virtual sessions will take place on September 27 at 12:00 p.m., October 17 at 12:00 p.m., and November 9 at 6:00 p.m. Links to each session are posted below.

Pirate Promise Virtual Information Sessions 

For more information on ECU Pirate Promise, the virtual information sessions, or other university transfer agreements, please contact Paula Jacques at (910) 272-3375 or


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