Robeson Community College

COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic to be held October 15

Robeson Community College in partnership with CORE (Community Organized Relief Effort) will host a COVID-19 vaccination clinic on October 15 from 9:30 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. during the ‘Made in Robeson Day’ and job fair.

CORE will be administering the FDA approved Pfizer vaccine. First shot and second shot doses will be available at no costs to individuals during the clinic.

The clinic will take place outdoors by the CORE tent between Building 9 and Building 13. No appointments are necessary.

RCC faculty, staff, and students enrolled or employed at any time between July 1 – December 31, who become fully vaccinated and submit proper documentation through their RCC email credentials, will receive $100.

RCC is designated as a “Vaccine Champion College” by the White House and Department of Education and has assisted over 200 individuals in getting vaccinated against COVID-19 since March 2021 through its on campus clinics.

