Career and College Promise students at RCC earn EMT credential while in high school
Landrie Locklear, Bethany Jacobs, and Braydann Revels all have many things in common.
They are all Career and College Promise students at Robeson Community College.
The three are all still in high school but graduate this May.
They are all 18 years of age.
All three are from Robeson County.
They are all proud members of the Lumbee Tribe.
All three absolutely love their instructor, Patricia Clark, and sing her praises for all her efforts in teaching them.
And… probably the one thing that will forever bond them together is that they have all become Certified Emergency Medical Technicians for the State of North Carolina.
Oh, and one more thing they all have in common is that ironically, despite being Certified EMTs, all three say they will not be able to get a job with a rescue squad until they graduate.
“We have to have a high school diploma,” they all said with disappointment. “But we will be working this summer.”
All three plan on getting a job with one of the local emergency service providers in the county and are excited about what their future holds.
“Getting my EMT was an awesome opportunity,” stated Landrie Locklear. “It was something that I didn’t think I would enjoy as much as I did.”
Locklear wants to become a Physician’s Assistant or PA for short.
“The EMT course guided me to a pathway,” Locklear said. “It feels good to be an EMT, I am proud of myself, I know it’s a big accomplishment and I’m proud that I made it that far.”
Locklear has also taken the Pharmacy Technician training available through continuing education and currently works in a local pharmacy, a job she enjoys.
Bethany Jacobs also took the Pharmacy Tech class.
“I love coming to RCC,” Jacobs said. “I am thinking about coming back to get my paramedic certification after I finish my 4-year degree in biology at UNCP.”
“The EMT class was really exciting, I got to learn all kinds of different aspects of being an Emergency Medical Technician,” Jacobs said. “I liked the adrenaline rush, and it was good to get this under my belt to see if I liked it.”
“It felt really good to pass the exam and become certified, we were one of the first ones at our high school to take a class like this.”
Braydann Revels says taking the class was fun and that she really loved it, and earning a credential made it even better.
“It shows that all my hard work paid off in this class,” Revels said. “It feels really good to be able to say I’m a State Certified EMT.”
Revels says she would love to one day become a family physician and has plans on going to medical school after attending UNCP.
“I always wanted to be able to give back to Robeson County,” Revels said. “I want to open my own practice to help offset the burden for families that can’t afford to go to the doctor. This class has helped me get one step closer to that goal.”
With many other courses completed through CCP, Revels says that she will enter as a sophomore this Fall at UNCP.
“I have taken many classes at RCC – Art Appreciation, MAT 172, ENG 111, ENG 112,” Revels said. “It has been nice to meet new people and make new friends across Robeson County, it has made coming to class more enjoyable.”
Patricia Clark, the instructor for the course says that she is very proud of all her students.
“They are EMTs now, they were part of the biggest and most successful class we have had,” Clark said. “I am so happy for them, this was a major achievement, especially at such a young age and while still in high school. I wish them all the best in their future endeavors. I know that they are going to go on to do great things with their life.”
About the EMT course at RCC
The Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) course prepares the EMT student to provide prehospital assessment and care for patients of all ages with a variety of medical conditions and traumaticinjuries.Areasofstudyincludeanintroductiontoemergencymedicalservicessystems, roles and responsibilities of the EMT, anatomy and physiology, medical emergencies, trauma, special considerations for working in the prehospital setting, and providing patient transportation. It is a 192-contact hour course and is available through the continuing education division at Robeson Community College.

CCP students Bethany Jacobs, Landrie Locklear, and Braydann Revels, now certified EMTs, stand with their instructor Patricia Clark, left.